It was directed by Keizo Kusakawa, written by Takao Yoshioka, musically composed by Hiroaki Sano, produced by Hideo Tatsumaka and Studio Seven Arcs, and it originally aired from Jto September 26, 2010, and it lasted for 13 episodes in total. After that came season 2 of the anime series, titled Sekirei: Pure Engagement. After that came an OVA attached to the first season, was directed by Keizo Kusakawa, written by Takao Yoshioka, musically composed by Hiroaki Sano, produced by Studio Seven Arcs, and it was originally released on March 26, 2009. It was directed by Keizo Kusakawa, written by Takao Yoshioka, musically composed by Hiroaki Sano, produced by Studio Seven Arcs, and it originally aired from Jto September 17, 2008, and it lasted for 12 episodes in total. After that came the first season of the anime. It started out with a manga series, which was written by Sakurako Gokurakuin, published by Square Enix, and it originally ran from Decemto August 21, 2015, and it lasted for 18 volumes in total. Service, harem, contemporary fantasy, battle royale, Japanese anime series. Sekirei is an action, adventure, drama, comedy, fantasy, romance, romantic comedy, fan